new app-erasee ai background remover from nero ai

Erasee – Elevate your Ecommerce images with AI

Have you ever wished you had a convenient AI tool to boost your E-Commerce business? This blog will introduce a handy mobile app that instantly removes and changes image backgrounds. Keep reading to see if this is what you need.
Erasee: Background Remover is an AI-based app designed for rapid background removal. It can remove image backgrounds in seconds with high precision.

What Does It Do?

Instant Background Removal: Erasee quickly removes image backgrounds with its advanced AI algorithm, leaving you with a perfect cutout in seconds.
Why do we recommend Erasee among the many background remover tools available today? The answer is simple: precision (see the picture below). Erasee also offers a manual edit option if the AI algorithm doesn’t meet your expectations.
Comparing Erasee cutout to iOS cutoutErasee cutout details
Create Product Pictures with White Background: Erasee enables you to replace the image background with a white fill suitable for platforms like eBay and Amazon. Besides white backgrounds, it allows you to replace backgrounds with various solid or gradient colours easily. Imagine effortlessly changing your ID photo’s background colour from white to blue!
Change background color with Erasee
Blur Background: Erasee can also blur image backgrounds, simulating the effect of a fast lens. This feature is ideal for refining portraits or product photographs.
Blur background with Erasee
Add Strokes: Before saving, you can add colourful strokes around your cutouts, making it ideal for creating stickers.
Add stroke to cutouts with Erasee

What are you waiting for?

Discover how easy it is to create a perfect cutout, whether aiming for ecommerce optimization or simply having fun. Erasee is now accessible on iOS and iPadOS (requires iOS 14.0/iPadOS 14.0 or later).

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